
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

movie madness

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I feel like there have been a lot of pretty amazing movies out in theaters lately. Having a car at school has made it much easier to leave campus at a moments notice and I've gotten into the habit of driving to a theatre a little off campus every once in a while to unwind. It's easy to feel like you're in your own little world or bubble when at school because you're so removed from the daily life you lived when you were in high school and living at home with your family.  In the past month or so I've seen 3 movies in theaters and loved them all. I've also watched a lot of movies that were recently in theaters, but that are now available for purchase online, and have really enjoyed a lot of those as well so I decided to give my own little movie review.

In Theaters:

Twelve Years a Slave
If you're looking for a deep and emotional movie, definitely see this. This film follows the story of a free black man who is kidnapped and sold into slavery for 12 years, leaving behind his loved ones for a new life of labor and lashes. His story is depressing, mezmerizing and touching and so realistically portrays the brutal treatment of slaves to the point where it's hard to watch, but so worth it in the end. I had to see this movie for one of my history classes, but I would still recommend it because it forces people to recognize the flaws in American society, especially in the past, even if we want to forget them.

About Time
My friends all really wanted to see this movie and I decided to go with them not knowing one single thing about what is was about or who was in it. This movie was absolutely amazing and will forever be one of my top favorites. I don't think I've ever cried or laughed so much in a movie and on top of that the main character is Rachel McAdams, aka the most beautiful women ever. I thought I was going to see some cheesy rom-com when I sat down in the theatre, but this movie was so much more than that. It follows the story of a socially awkward, but totally sweet, guy who finds out that the men in his family can travel back in time in their own lives. Although there is a romantic component, this movie really hits home about the ups and downs of life in regards to family, time and living life like every day is your last (#yolo). This is an absolute must see & I would give it in Oscar if I could.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Jennifer Lawrence. Josh Hutchinson. Liam Hemsworth. Do I even need to say anymore? I read the Hunger Games book series so I've always been a big fan, but this movie didn't disappoint and far overreached my expectations. I saw it over Thanksgivukkah break with my whole family and everyone loved it, whether they had read the books or not, or had never seen the first movie. The costumes were phenomenal, it followed the book's plot accurately and the set was awesome and really brought the book to life. If you're looking for adventure, drama, fantasy, romance and Jennifer Lawrence (aka another one of the most beautiful women ever), then go see this movie right now.

On OnDemand, iTunes or illegally online:

The Heat
I randomly decided to watch this movie before going to bed one night because it was one of the only newish comedies that I had yet to see. I thought it was going to be one of those movies where I had already seen all the funny parts from the commercials, but I was pleasantly mistaken. This movie is a complete knee-slapper and Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy are a hilarious duo who complemented each other perfectly in this movie. I was cracking up at almost every word that they said and my roommate, who was trying to sleep while I was watching, was about ready to kill me because I couldn't stop cackling.

Before Sunset
This movie is the second in a trilogy starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Deply. The first film was done in 1995, this film was made in 2004 and the newest addition was released this year. I watched this movie in my creative writing class and I can honestly say it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. The whole movie is pretty much dialogue between two characters, Jesse and Celine, and picks up 9 years after they last saw each others as young adults in love. The conversation between them is so frustratingly real  that I was hooked from the opening scene. This movie is really unique because of how minimal everything is considering the movie focuses on two people walking around France having a conversation about their lives. I give it 100 out of 5 stars. 

We're the Millers

This movie was another one that I'd never seen that I assumed was going to be sorta funny, but not really worth my time unless I had nothing better to do. My family bought it on OnDemand during Thanksgivukkah break, even though they had already seen it in theaters, and once again I was proved wrong. I probably looked like I was going through an exorcism because of how much I was rolling around on the floor due to my non-stop laughter. Jason Sudekis, Emma Roberts, Jennier Aniston, Nick Offerman, Kathryn Han and Ed Helms all star in the movie so I should have known how funny it would be with this outrageously talented and hilarious cast. 

Feel free to comment with any movie suggestions for me to watch!

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