Today I spent the day with my dad. Well, sort of. I have the week off from my usual nannying job so I've pretty much been sitting on my ass all week doing nothing. My dad mentioned earlier in the week that he might have a project I could do for him at work and was I interested. I said, "Sure!" It's not like I'm doing anything else and I'm always down to make a little extra cash. Plus, it gives me brownie points with my parents because it makes it seem like I have a better work ethic than I actually do :)
So today I woke up at 7:15. For someone who goes to bed at 3am and doesn't wake up until 1pm... this was extremely patient. I was finally functioning when I got two coffees in me. The task that my dad needed me to do wasn't difficult, it was just extremely tedious and time-consuming. I was basically doing data-entry for every company that his office has a contract with. So I had to attach the contract PDF and then type in all the contract info like length, date signed, payment etc.
Of course the one day I forget to take my ADD medicine is the one day during summer that I actually really need it! I was really bored, but didn't complain because I knew my dad had a lot of work to do. I worked from 8:30 to 3 (we left early because my dad had
a doctors appt) and still hadn't finished the list!
What my dad in the real world work force showed me is that I should enjoy being young while I still can. Not YOLO & all of that party shit, but just have fun with my friends and not sweat over the small stuff. One day I'm going to have to be working to provide for a family and so I should enjoy my freedom and fun while I can!
A recap of my day at work on the car ride home with my dad!
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